How to Measure Basic Pant or Trouser all Process.

How to Measure Basic Pant or Trouser all Process.

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How to Measure Basic Pant or Trouser all Process.


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1.       ½ Waist Along Top Edge/ Waist/ Waist Relaxed

2.       ½ Hip

3.       Front Rise Including Waistband

4.       Back Rise Including Waistband

5.       Front Rise Under waistband/ Front Rise Excluding Waistband

6.       Back Rise Under waistband/ Back Rise Excluding Waistband

7.       1/2 Thigh Width/Thigh at Crotch                                                      

8.       1/2 Knee Width

9.       ½ Leg Opening / Hem/Bottom/Hem Width

10.   Hem Depth/ Hem Height

11.   Waistband Depth/Waist Band Height

12.   Inside Leg/ Inseam

13.   Out Seam/ Outside Leg Length Including Waistband

14.   Fly Length

15.   Fly Width

16.   Fly Opening

17.   Coin Pocket Width                  

18.   Coin Pocket Length

19.   Coin Pocket Position from Side seam

20.   Coin Pocket Position from Waist Band

21.   Front Pocket Opening Along Waistband/ Front Pkt Opening Width from Side Seam

22.   Front Pocket Depth Down Side Seam/ Front Pkt Position from waist band at Side Seam

23.   Front Pocket Bag Length

24.   Front Pocket Bag Width at Base

25.   Yoke Depth at Center Back

26.   Back Yoke Height at Center Back Including waist band

27.   Yoke Depth at Sideseam

28.   Back Yoke Height at Side Seam Including waist band

29.   Back Pocket Opening at Top Edge/ Back Pocket Width at Top

30.   Back Pocket Width at Bottom

31.   Back Pocket Length at Center

32.   Back Pocket Length at Side

33.   Pocket Position from Center Back Seam

34.   Space Between Back Pockets

35.   Belt Loop Length

36.   Belt Loop Width


#Trouser #Pant #Measurement


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